Thursday, February 11, 2010


It's amazing to see the human dynamics when people are threatened. Conflict that would typically be an avenue for growth becomes a hindrance to productivity. There should be comfort in knowing one's work is valued and important when the familiar landscape begins to fade away. There should be comfort in knowing one's best efforts to strive for best, not better will be rewarded when the dust settles. There should be comfort in knowing that one's deep concern about never settling for mediocrity (and turning out a better product each time the work day hums to a close) will solidify a place at the table. Even though everything will turn out alright, it's the uncertainty that fuels the conflict and makes the heart quiver.

1 comment:

  1. the fight or flight instinct kicks in quicker with some people than other, huh? i think that there are moments in life where a person shows their 'true colors' whether they plan to or not, and this move may be one of those times. i'm not sure if i'm on board with the 'everything will turn out alright' movement, but i always have faith that things will turn out as they should. perhaps a bit of a generic mantra to live your life by, but it seems to work for me - not in the sense that i don't feel empowered to effect change or that fate will determine my whereabouts, but i do believe that we all reap what we sow :)
